DA FORM 8016-R Fillable – Army Pubs 8016-R PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 8016-R Fillable – Army Pubs 8016-R PDF – DA FORM 8016-R, known as Tick Survey Data, Tick Drag Data (LRA), is a critical tool used by professionals in the field of epidemiology and vector surveillance. This form, issued under the publication number DA FORM 8016-R and dated December 1, 1991, plays an essential role in documenting and analyzing tick populations and their habitats. Its primary purpose is to aid in the monitoring and control of tick-borne diseases, ensuring public health and safety.

DA FORM 8016-R – Tick Survey Data, Tick Drag Data (LRA)

Form Number DA FORM 8016-R
Form Title Tick Survey Data, Tick Drag Data (LRA)
Form Date 12/1/1991
Form Proponent TSG

The Purpose and Importance of DA FORM 8016-R

Tick surveys are vital for understanding the distribution and prevalence of tick species in various environments. DA FORM 8016-R is specifically designed to record data collected during these surveys. The form captures detailed information about tick populations, which helps researchers and health professionals in tracking the spread of tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and others.

Key Features of DA FORM 8016-R

  1. Data Collection: The form is used to document the results of tick drags, a method where a cloth is dragged over vegetation to collect ticks.
  2. Location Information: It records precise locations where ticks are found, including GPS coordinates.
  3. Tick Identification: It includes sections for identifying tick species and stages (larvae, nymph, adult).
  4. Environmental Conditions: Information about the habitat and weather conditions during the survey is also recorded.

Utilizing DA FORM 8016-R in Tick Surveys

DA FORM 8016-R is designed to be user-friendly and comprehensive, ensuring that all necessary data is collected accurately. This form is prescribed by TB MED 561, a directive that outlines the procedures for conducting tick surveys. The information gathered using this form is critical for public health officials to develop strategies to mitigate the risks associated with tick-borne diseases.

How to Conduct a Tick Drag Survey

  1. Preparation: Equip with a white cloth (1m x 1m) and attach it to a stick or pole.
  2. Survey Site Selection: Choose locations based on habitat suitability for ticks.
  3. Dragging: Drag the cloth over the vegetation for a specified distance, typically 10-30 meters.
  4. Collection: After each drag, inspect the cloth for ticks and collect them using forceps.
  5. Recording: Use DA FORM 8016-R to record data about the ticks found, including the number, species, and life stages.

The Role of DA FORM 8016-R in Public Health

DA FORM 8016-R is an invaluable resource for public health professionals. By systematically documenting tick populations and their environments, this form helps in:

  • Identifying High-Risk Areas: Determining regions with high tick activity.
  • Monitoring Disease Spread: Tracking the presence of tick-borne pathogens.
  • Informing Public Health Policies: Providing data to support the development of control and prevention strategies.
  • Educational Outreach: Helping to inform the public about the risks associated with ticks and how to protect themselves.

Accessibility and Distribution

The DA FORM 8016-R is unclassified and approved for public release, meaning it is accessible to anyone involved in tick surveillance and research. The distribution code A signifies that its distribution is unlimited, ensuring wide availability. Additionally, this form is also available in electronic media, making it easier to use and disseminate.


In summary, DA FORM 8016-R – Tick Survey Data, Tick Drag Data (LRA), is a crucial tool in the fight against tick-borne diseases. Its structured format ensures that comprehensive and accurate data is collected during tick surveys, aiding in effective monitoring and control efforts. Public health professionals rely on the data recorded in this form to develop strategies that protect communities from the threats posed by ticks.

By understanding and utilizing DA FORM 8016-R, researchers and health officials can significantly contribute to the safety and well-being of the public, making it an essential component in the field of epidemiology and vector surveillance.

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DA FORM 8016-R - Tick Survey Data, Tick Drag Data (LRA)