DA FORM 61 Fillable – Army Pubs 61 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 61 Fillable – Army Pubs 61 PDF – The DA FORM 61, titled “Application for Appointment,” is a crucial document for individuals seeking appointment within the United States Army. This form serves as a formal request and provides essential personal and professional information required by the military to assess a candidate’s suitability for commissioning or appointment.

DA FORM 61 – Application For Appointment

Form Number DA FORM 61
Form Title Application For Appointment
Form Date 06/1/1981
Form Proponent 06/1/1981

What is DA FORM 61?

The DA FORM 61 is an official document utilized by the U.S. Army to process applications for appointment in various capacities. Published on June 1, 1981, it remains a vital part of the application process for aspiring officers and other appointed positions within the Army. The form is readily available in PDF format, indicating that it may need to be downloaded to be viewed properly.

Key Features of DA FORM 61

Publication Details and Availability

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 61
  • Pub/Form Date: 06/01/1981
  • Availability: PDF format for download

Authority and Distribution

  • Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
  • Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Usage and Prescriptions

The form is prescribed by several directives, including AR 135-100AR 145-1, and AR 601-100, which guide its use and the processes surrounding appointments within the Army. It’s important to note that the form includes a Privacy Act Statement, as indicated by the footnote 14, ensuring applicants’ personal information is handled with confidentiality.

Completing DA FORM 61

When filling out the DA FORM 61, applicants are required to provide a range of information, from basic personal data to detailed professional qualifications. This comprehensive approach ensures that the Army has all necessary information to make informed decisions regarding appointments.

Importance of DA FORM 61 in the Appointment Process

The DA FORM 61 is not just a formality but a crucial step in the appointment process. It allows the Army to efficiently evaluate candidates’ qualifications, suitability, and readiness for the responsibilities that come with appointment. Furthermore, it standardizes the application process, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Final Thoughts

For individuals looking to advance their careers within the U.S. Army, completing the DA FORM 61 is a critical step. It’s a reflection of an applicant’s history, capabilities, and potential for future contributions to the military. As such, it’s essential to approach this document with the seriousness and attention to detail it warrants.

The DA FORM 61 not only facilitates the Army’s decision-making process but also marks the beginning of a candidate’s potential future within the military, serving as a bridge between aspiring individuals and their professional ambitions within the U.S. Army.

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