DA FORM 591E Fillable – Army Pubs 591E PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 591E Fillable – Army Pubs 591E PDF – The DA FORM 591E, also known as the ROTC Supplemental Service Agreement (Initial Educational Delay), plays a crucial role in the career paths of ROTC cadets who are seeking further education before fulfilling their service commitments. Updated as of October 1, 2023, this form outlines the terms and conditions under which cadets can delay their active duty to pursue additional academic qualifications. This article aims to provide comprehensive insights into the significance, use, and procedural aspects of the DA FORM 591E, ensuring that ROTC members and associated personnel can navigate its requirements effectively.

DA FORM 591E – Rotc Supplemental Service Agreement (Initial Educational Delay)

Form Number DA Form 591E
Form Title Rotc Supplemental Service Agreement (Initial Educational Delay)
Form Date 10/1/2023
Form Proponent G-1

What is DA FORM 591E?

Overview and Purpose

DA FORM 591E is a vital document for ROTC cadets who have been approved to delay their service in order to complete higher education degrees such as law or medicine. This form serves as a supplemental service agreement, binding the cadet to a specified period of service in exchange for the educational delay granted by the Army. The Pub/Form Number 990001 and PIN 059606 ensure that the document is easily identifiable and accessible within military administrative systems.

Importance of the Initial Educational Delay

The initial educational delay stipulated by DA FORM 591E allows selected cadets to enhance their professional and technical skills, which are beneficial to both the individual and the military. This delay is crucial as it helps the Army develop a more skilled officer corps while providing individuals the opportunity to attain advanced qualifications without immediate military obligation.

Key Components of DA FORM 591E

Binding Agreements and Terms

DA FORM 591E outlines specific terms regarding the length and nature of both the educational delay and subsequent active duty service. Cadets are required to sign this agreement, which formally acknowledges their understanding and acceptance of these terms.

Privacy Act Statement

The form includes a Privacy Act Statement that protects the personal information of the cadet, specifying the authority under which the information is collected and the purposes for which it will be used.

Procedural Aspects of DA FORM 591E

Application Process

ROTC cadets interested in applying for an initial educational delay must complete DA FORM 591E as part of their application packet. This form is prescribed by AR 601-25 and requires detailed information about the cadet’s planned education and anticipated service commitment.

Responsibilities and Obligations

Upon signing the DA FORM 591E, cadets agree to return to active duty upon completion of their studies, serving in a capacity that utilizes their newly acquired skills and knowledge. Failure to meet these obligations can result in significant penalties, including the possibility of having to repay the cost of education.


DA FORM 591E is a critical document for ROTC cadets planning to pursue further education prior to serving in the military. It not only facilitates a structured approach to obtaining advanced degrees but also ensures that the Army benefits from the enhanced capabilities of its officers. Understanding the form’s implications, requirements, and benefits helps cadets make informed decisions about their military careers and educational goals.

For more detailed information or to download the form, individuals should refer to the official military websites or contact their ROTC program administrators. By adhering to the guidelines and commitments outlined in the ROTC Supplemental Service Agreement (Initial Educational Delay), cadets can effectively plan their professional growth and service contributions.

This article offers a comprehensive overview tailored for ROTC cadets and military personnel seeking to understand and utilize DA FORM 591E effectively in their career planning and professional development.

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