DA FORM 4881-2 Fillable – Army Pubs 4881-2 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 4881-2 Fillable – Army Pubs 4881-2 PDFDA FORM 4881-2, titled Military Property Of The United States – Exhibit I, is a crucial document utilized by the United States Army. This form plays a significant role in the management and documentation of military property, ensuring proper tracking and accountability.

DA FORM 4881-2 – Military Property Of The United States – Exhibit I

Form Number DA Form 4881-2
Form Title Military Property Of The United States – Exhibit I
Form Date 07/01/2004
Form Proponent G-4

Overview of DA FORM 4881-2

The DA FORM 4881-2 was published on July 1, 2004, and remains active. It is overseen by the G-4 proponent, and its use is prescribed by AR 700-131. This form is essential for maintaining accurate records of military property and is produced solely in electronic media, as indicated by the footnote 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA.

Key Features of DA FORM 4881-2

  • Form Number: DA FORM 4881-2
  • Title: Military Property Of The United States – Exhibit I
  • Proponent: G-4
  • Status: Active
  • Prescribing Directive: AR 700-131
  • Date of Publication: 07/01/2004
  • Security Classification: Unclassified
  • Distribution Restriction Code: A – Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
  • Form IDN: 990001
  • Form PIN: 046113

Purpose and Importance

The primary purpose of DA FORM 4881-2 is to document and track military property accurately. This form ensures that all military assets are accounted for, thereby preventing loss, theft, or mismanagement. The accurate tracking of military property is essential for operational readiness and fiscal responsibility.

Detailed Structure of DA FORM 4881-2

DA FORM 4881-2 comprises several sections designed to capture comprehensive information about the military property being documented. Each section is crucial for maintaining thorough records:

  1. Item Description: This section provides detailed information about the item, including its nomenclature and specifications.
  2. Serial Number: Captures the unique identifier for each piece of property, ensuring precise tracking.
  3. Condition Code: Indicates the current condition of the property, which is vital for maintenance and operational purposes.
  4. Location: Records the specific location where the property is stored or deployed, aiding in quick retrieval and inventory checks.
  5. Custodian Information: Details the individual responsible for the property, ensuring accountability.

Compliance and Distribution

The distribution of DA FORM 4881-2 is unrestricted, as denoted by the Distribution Restriction Code A. This means it is approved for public release and can be distributed freely. This unrestricted distribution facilitates widespread accessibility, ensuring that all relevant personnel can obtain and utilize the form as needed.

Security and Accessibility

Despite being unclassified, the information on DA FORM 4881-2 must be handled with care to maintain operational security. The electronic-only production of this form aligns with modern documentation practices, promoting ease of access and efficiency.


In summary, DA FORM 4881-2 – Military Property Of The United States – Exhibit I is an essential tool for the United States Army in managing military property. Its structured format, prescribed use under AR 700-131, and electronic availability make it a vital resource for ensuring the accountability and proper management of military assets. By adhering to these standardized procedures, the Army maintains operational readiness and protects its valuable resources.

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