DA FORM 4850-1-R Fillable – Army Pubs 4850-1-R PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 4850-1-R Fillable – Army Pubs 4850-1-R PDFDA FORM 4850-1-R – Nonappropriated Funds Time And Attendance Supplement Report (LRA) is a crucial document used within the Department of the Army. This form, identified by the Pub/Form Number DA FORM 4850-1-R, was issued on December 1, 1994, and remains in active status. It serves a specific purpose in the management and reporting of time and attendance for employees funded by nonappropriated funds. This article aims to provide an informative and educational overview of this form, its uses, and its significance.

DA FORM 4850-1-R – Nonappropriated Funds Time And Attendance Supplement Report (LRA)

Form Number DA Form 4850-1-R
Form Title Nonappropriated Funds Time And Attendance Supplement Report (LRA)
Form Date 12/01/1994
Form Proponent ASA (FM&C)

Purpose and Scope of DA FORM 4850-1-R

The DA FORM 4850-1-R is designed to accurately record and report the time and attendance of employees whose positions are funded by nonappropriated funds (NAF). This supplement report is essential for maintaining precise records, ensuring compliance with relevant policies, and facilitating proper financial management within the Department of the Army.

Key Features of DA FORM 4850-1-R

  1. Identification Information: The form captures essential details about the employee, including name, employee number, and position.
  2. Time and Attendance Tracking: It provides a structured format for logging hours worked, leave taken, and any other relevant attendance information.
  3. Approval and Verification: The form includes sections for supervisor approval and verification, ensuring accuracy and accountability.

Pub/Form Details and Status

Publication Information

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 4850-1-R
  • Pub/Form Date: December 1, 1994
  • Pub/Form Title: Nonappropriated Funds Time And Attendance Supplement Report (LRA)
  • Pub/Form Proponent: Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) (ASA (FM&C))

Current Status

  • Status: Active
  • Distribution Restriction Code: A – Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

The DA FORM 4850-1-R is classified as UNCLASSIFIED, making it accessible for public use and distribution without restriction. Additionally, this form is available in electronic media, providing flexibility and ease of access for users.

Implementation and Usage

Who Uses DA FORM 4850-1-R?

The DA FORM 4850-1-R is primarily used by NAF employees and their supervisors within the Department of the Army. This includes personnel working in various capacities funded by nonappropriated funds, such as those in recreational facilities, military clubs, and other similar operations.

How to Complete DA FORM 4850-1-R

Completing the DA FORM 4850-1-R involves several key steps:

  1. Employee Information: Enter the employee’s name, employee number, and position.
  2. Time Reporting: Log daily hours worked, noting any leave taken or other deviations from regular work hours.
  3. Supervisor Approval: The completed form must be reviewed and signed by the employee’s supervisor to confirm accuracy.

Benefits of Using DA FORM 4850-1-R

Utilizing the DA FORM 4850-1-R ensures that time and attendance are accurately recorded and properly managed. This form plays a vital role in:

  • Ensuring Compliance: Helps in adhering to relevant regulations and policies regarding time and attendance.
  • Financial Accuracy: Facilitates precise financial reporting and management of nonappropriated funds.
  • Employee Accountability: Enhances accountability through required supervisory verification and approval.


The DA FORM 4850-1-R – Nonappropriated Funds Time And Attendance Supplement Report (LRA) is an essential tool within the Department of the Army for managing and reporting the time and attendance of NAF employees. Issued on December 1, 1994, and maintained in active status, this form ensures compliance, financial accuracy, and employee accountability. By understanding its purpose, features, and proper usage, individuals can effectively utilize this form in their professional activities.

DA FORM 4850-1-R Fillable – Army Pubs 4850-1-R PDF DOWNLOAD

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