DA FORM 3665 Fillable – Army Pubs 3665 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 3665 Fillable – Army Pubs 3665 PDF – The DA FORM 3665, known as the Annual Commercial Design Motor Vehicle Requirements Review, is a critical document within the U.S. Army’s logistical operations. This form plays a pivotal role in reviewing and assessing the requirements for commercially designed motor vehicles used by the Army. Here’s a comprehensive look at DA FORM 3665, ensuring you have all the information needed to understand and utilize this form effectively.

DA FORM 3665 – Annual Commercial Design Motor Vehicle Requirements Review

Form Number DA Form 3665
Form Title Annual Commercial Design Motor Vehicle Requirements Review
Form Date 01/01/2000
Form Proponent G-4

Overview of DA FORM 3665

DA FORM 3665 is an essential tool used to evaluate the annual needs for commercially designed motor vehicles. This form helps determine if the existing fleet meets the current and future operational requirements of the U.S. Army. By analyzing these needs, the Army ensures that it maintains a fleet that is both efficient and capable of meeting various logistical challenges.

Key Details of DA FORM 3665

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 3665
  • Pub/Form Date: January 1, 2000
  • Title: Annual Commercial Design Motor Vehicle Requirements Review
  • Proponent: G-4
  • Status: Active
  • Prescribed By: AR 58-1
  • Footnotes: This item is only produced in electronic media (Footnote 42)
  • Security Classification: Unclassified
  • Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
  • Form ID: 990001
  • Form PIN: 077448

Understanding these details helps stakeholders ensure that they are working with the most current and applicable form, facilitating accurate and efficient operations.

Purpose of DA FORM 3665

The main purpose of DA FORM 3665 is to review and document the requirements for commercially designed motor vehicles each year. This process:

  • Ensures that the Army’s vehicle fleet meets operational needs without redundancy.
  • Helps identify any gaps in the current fleet and proposes solutions to fill these gaps.
  • Facilitates strategic planning and budgeting for future vehicle acquisitions and disposals.

Why Is It Important?

DA FORM 3665 is crucial because it supports the Army’s ability to remain agile and responsive. By regularly reviewing vehicle needs, the Army can quickly adapt to new challenges and operational demands. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and enhances the overall effectiveness of military logistics.

How DA FORM 3665 Is Used

Process of Completing DA FORM 3665

  1. Data Collection: Units across the Army compile data on their current fleet and anticipated needs.
  2. Analysis: This data is analyzed to assess whether the current fleet aligns with the operational requirements.
  3. Documentation: The findings are documented on DA FORM 3665, providing a clear and concise review of vehicle requirements.
  4. Review and Approval: The completed form is reviewed and approved by higher command levels, ensuring oversight and accuracy.

Stakeholders Involved

  • Unit Commanders: Provide initial data and feedback on vehicle usage and needs.
  • Logistical Coordinators: Analyze and compile information into the DA FORM 3665.
  • G-4 Proponent: Oversees the process and ensures compliance with Army regulations.

Best Practices for Utilizing DA FORM 3665

To make the most of DA FORM 3665, consider the following best practices:

  • Ensure Accuracy: Double-check all data entered into the form to prevent errors.
  • Regular Updates: Keep information up-to-date to reflect any changes in vehicle requirements or operational strategies.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Involve all relevant parties early in the process to gather comprehensive input.


DA FORM 3665 is more than just a form; it is a strategic tool that ensures the U.S. Army’s motor vehicle fleet is prepared to meet both current and future challenges. By understanding and effectively using this form, military personnel can enhance the operational readiness and efficiency of their units. Remember, the key to success lies in accurate data and proactive fleet management.

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