DA FORM 3502 Fillable – Army Pubs 3502 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 3502 Fillable – Army Pubs 3502 PDF – The DA FORM 3502 is an essential document for professionals involved in air traffic control. Officially titled the Daily Report of Air Traffic Control Facility, this form plays a crucial role in maintaining the operational integrity and safety of air traffic facilities. In this article, we delve into the significance, usage, and structure of DA FORM 3502, ensuring that air traffic control personnel and related stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of this vital tool.

DA FORM 3502 – Daily Report Of Air Traffic Control Facility

Form Number DA Form 3502
Form Title Daily Report Of Air Traffic Control Facility
Form Date 10/01/2019
Form Proponent TRADOC

Overview of DA FORM 3502

DA FORM 3502 was published on October 1, 2019, by the United States Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The form is currently active and serves as a standardized method for recording daily activities within air traffic control facilities. It replaced the previous version from October 1, 2010, reflecting updates and changes in operational protocols.

Key Features of DA FORM 3502

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 3502
  • Publication Date: 10/01/2019
  • Title: Daily Report of Air Traffic Control Facility
  • Proponent: TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command)
  • Status: ACTIVE
  • Prescribed By: TC 3-04.15
  • Footnotes: This form is produced only in electronic media (Footnote 42)
  • Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
  • Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

Importance of DA FORM 3502 in Air Traffic Control

The DA FORM 3502 is fundamentally designed to document the day-to-day operations within air traffic control facilities. This form is instrumental in:

  1. Tracking Operational Data: It helps in recording various types of air traffic data, including the number of aircraft handled, types of operations conducted, and any significant events or deviations from standard procedure.
  2. Enhancing Safety and Efficiency: By maintaining a daily log, facilities can monitor and analyze operational trends, identify potential hazards, and implement corrective measures proactively.
  3. Facilitating Communication: The form acts as a formal record that can be referenced by various teams and departments to ensure coordinated efforts and shared understanding of the day’s activities.
  4. Compliance and Documentation: It supports compliance with military regulations and aids in the audit and review processes by providing a clear, chronological record of activities.

How to Use DA FORM 3502

Filling Out the Form

To effectively use DA FORM 3502, air traffic controllers and facility managers should follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Facility: Start by entering the name and location of the air traffic control facility at the top of the form.
  2. Record the Date and Time: Specify the date and time for which the report is being compiled to maintain accurate historical data.
  3. Enter Operational Data: Fill in details such as the number of aircraft arrivals and departures, types of operations (military, civilian, emergency, etc.), weather conditions, and any irregularities or emergencies encountered.
  4. Summarize Key Events: Use the notes section to provide summaries of significant events, including technical failures, security incidents, or deviations from standard procedures.
  5. Review and Approve: The form should be reviewed by senior facility personnel and signed off to validate the accuracy of the information.

Common Uses

  • Daily Briefings: DA FORM 3502 is often used in daily briefings to provide a snapshot of the previous day’s activities and inform planning for the current day.
  • Operational Reviews: Regular reviews of these forms can highlight trends and areas for improvement in facility operations.
  • Training and Simulations: Historical data from these forms can be used in training scenarios to simulate real-world situations for training new controllers.


DA FORM 3502 – Daily Report Of Air Traffic Control Facility is more than just a form; it is a critical tool that ensures the smooth and safe operation of air traffic control facilities. By providing a structured way to document daily activities, it helps maintain high standards of operational integrity and enhances the overall safety of air traffic management. Air traffic controllers, facility managers, and other stakeholders should be familiar with this form to effectively contribute to their facility’s mission.

Understanding and utilizing DA FORM 3502 effectively is essential for maintaining the operational excellence and safety standards expected in air traffic control operations.

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DA FORM 3502 - Daily Report Of Air Traffic Control Facility