DA FORM 7541-1-6 Fillable – Army Pubs 7541-1-6 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 7541-1-6 Fillable – Army Pubs 7541-1-6 PDFDA FORM 7541-1-6 is an essential document used in the qualification process for squads operating the M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS). Published on November 1, 2015, this form plays a critical role in the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). As an active form, it is exclusively available in electronic media, ensuring ease of access and distribution.

DA FORM 7541-1-6 – Scorecard For M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (Itas) Gunnery: Table 6, Squad Qualification

Form Number DA FORM 7541-1-6
Form Title Scorecard For M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (Itas) Gunnery: Table 6, Squad Qualification
Form Date 11/1/2015
Form Proponent TRADOC

Purpose of DA FORM 7541-1-6

The primary purpose of DA FORM 7541-1-6 is to provide a standardized scorecard for evaluating the performance of squads during Table 6 gunnery exercises with the M41 ITAS. This form helps maintain consistent evaluation standards across different units, ensuring that all personnel are assessed fairly and accurately.

Key Features of the M41 Improved Target Acquisition System

The M41 ITAS is a sophisticated targeting system designed to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of ground troops in various combat scenarios. Key features include:

  • Enhanced Optical System: Provides clear visibility and targeting capabilities.
  • Integrated Fire Control: Allows for precise aiming and firing.
  • Night Vision Capability: Ensures operational effectiveness in low-light conditions.

Structure of DA FORM 7541-1-6

The scorecard is meticulously structured to capture various performance metrics during the gunnery qualification process. It includes sections for:

  • Squad Identification: Details about the squad undergoing qualification.
  • Exercise Details: Specifics of the gunnery exercises being evaluated.
  • Performance Metrics: Scores and observations on different aspects of the squad’s performance.
  • Evaluator Comments: Space for evaluators to provide additional feedback and observations.

How to Use DA FORM 7541-1-6

Preparing for Qualification

Before utilizing the scorecard, squads must ensure they are adequately prepared for the qualification process. This includes familiarizing themselves with the M41 ITAS and undergoing rigorous training exercises.

Conducting the Evaluation

During the evaluation, the scorecard is used to document each squad’s performance in real-time. Evaluators must be thorough and impartial, ensuring that all relevant details are accurately recorded.

Reviewing the Results

After the qualification exercise, the completed scorecards are reviewed to determine each squad’s performance level. This review process helps identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement, guiding future training efforts.

Importance of Accurate Record-Keeping

Maintaining accurate records using DA FORM 7541-1-6 is crucial for several reasons:

  • Performance Tracking: Allows for tracking the progress of squads over time.
  • Training Improvement: Identifies specific areas where additional training may be needed.
  • Operational Readiness: Ensures that all personnel are adequately prepared for real-world operations.

Distribution and Accessibility

DA FORM 7541-1-6 is classified as UNCLASSIFIED and has a distribution restriction code of A, meaning it is approved for public release and distribution is unlimited. This ensures that all relevant personnel have access to the form when needed.


DA FORM 7541-1-6 is a vital tool in the qualification process for squads operating the M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS). By providing a standardized method for evaluating performance, this form helps ensure that all personnel are held to consistent and rigorous standards. Proper utilization of this scorecard is essential for maintaining high levels of operational readiness and effectiveness within military units.

For more information or to access DA FORM 7541-1-6, personnel can refer to official military resources or contact their unit’s training officer.

DA FORM 7541-1-6 Fillable – Army Pubs 7541-1-6 PDF DOWNLOAD

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DA FORM 7541-1-6 - Scorecard For M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS) Gunnery- Table 6, Squad Qualification