DA FORM 7014-A – Decoration For Exceptional Civilian Service (With Aasa Signature Block)

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 7014-A, officially titled “Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service (With AASA Signature Block)”, is a significant document in the realm of U.S. Army awards. This form is used to recognize outstanding achievements and exceptional service performed by civilian employees of the Army. Established on August 1, 1991, and still active today, DA FORM 7014-A highlights the importance of civilian contributions to military success.

DA FORM 7014-A – Decoration For Exceptional Civilian Service (With Aasa Signature Block)

Form Number DA Form 7014-A
Form Title Decoration For Exceptional Civilian Service (With Aasa Signature Block)
Form Date 08/01/1991
Form Proponent G-1

Understanding DA FORM 7014-A

What is DA FORM 7014-A?

DA FORM 7014-A serves as a formal mechanism to honor civilian employees who have demonstrated exemplary service that significantly contributes to the mission of the Army. The form includes a special signature block for the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) or AASA, emphasizing the high level of recognition these awards entail.

Key Features of the Form

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 7014-A
  • Pub/Form Date: 08/01/1991
  • Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
  • Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

This form is not just a certificate but a symbol of the Army’s acknowledgment of the indispensable role that civilians play within the military framework.

Criteria for Award Eligibility

Who Can Receive the Award?

The award is designated for civilian employees within the Army who have rendered services that are significantly above and beyond their normal duties and have had a measurable impact on the department’s objectives. The criteria are stringent to ensure that only truly exceptional efforts are recognized.

Prescribing Directive

DA FORM 7014-A is prescribed by AR 672-20, which outlines the policies and procedures for the administration of awards for civilian employees. Understanding this directive is crucial for anyone involved in nominating an individual for this decoration.

Process of Nomination and Award

How to Nominate Someone

Nominating someone for the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service involves a detailed process where the nominee’s accomplishments are thoroughly documented and reviewed. The nomination packet must be prepared adhering to the guidelines specified in AR 672-20 and submitted through proper channels to ensure fairness and compliance with Army standards.

Role of the AASA Signature Block

The inclusion of the AASA Signature Block on DA FORM 7014-A signifies the level of approval and recognition the award carries. This signature block is reserved for the Assistant Secretary of the Army, underscoring the prestige of the award.

Impact of the Award

Recognition and Morale

Receiving the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service is not only a personal achievement but also serves as a morale booster for the recipient and their colleagues. It highlights the Army’s commitment to recognizing all contributors to its mission, regardless of their military or civilian status.

Professional Growth

For civilian employees, this award can be a significant highlight in their professional career, enhancing their credentials and opening doors to further opportunities within and beyond the Department of Defense.


DA FORM 7014-A embodies the U.S. Army’s commitment to honoring extraordinary service rendered by its civilian workforce. It is a testament to the critical role that civilians play in the success and operations of the military. By understanding and utilizing this form, one can ensure that deserving individuals receive the recognition they merit for their exceptional contributions to the nation’s defense.

For more information or to access DA FORM 7014-A, visit the official site or contact the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, at the address provided in the form’s details.

DA FORM 7014-A – Decoration For Exceptional Civilian Service (With Aasa Signature Block)