DA FORM 4552 Fillable – Army Pubs 4552 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 4552 Fillable – Army Pubs 4552 PDFDA FORM 4552, also known as the Kitchen Requisition form, is a critical document used by military personnel to manage and requisition kitchen supplies. First issued on July 1, 2002, this form remains active and is primarily managed by the G-4 proponent. Its use is prescribed under PAM 30-22 and is produced exclusively in electronic media. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of DA FORM 4552, highlighting its purpose, usage, and significance.

DA FORM 4552 – Kitchen Requisition

Form Number DA Form 4552
Form Title Kitchen Requisition
Form Date 07/01/2002
Form Proponent G-4

Purpose of DA FORM 4552

The Kitchen Requisition form serves as an essential tool in military logistics, ensuring that kitchen and dining facilities have the necessary supplies to operate efficiently. It facilitates the accurate tracking and management of kitchen inventory, enabling units to request and receive items systematically.

Key Objectives

  • Efficient Resource Management: Ensures proper allocation and utilization of kitchen supplies.
  • Inventory Control: Helps maintain accurate records of items on hand and items needed.
  • Operational Readiness: Supports the overall readiness of dining facilities by preventing shortages.

Components of DA FORM 4552

DA FORM 4552 is designed to capture detailed information required for kitchen requisitions. Here are the main sections of the form:

Header Information

  • Form Number: DA FORM 4552
  • Date: 07/01/2002
  • Proponent: G-4
  • Status: Active

Requisition Details

  • Item Description: Detailed description of the items being requested.
  • Quantity: Number of units required for each item.
  • Unit of Issue: Standard unit of measurement for the requested items.
  • Requisitioning Unit: Identification of the unit making the request.
  • Approving Authority: Signature of the individual authorizing the requisition.

Distribution and Classification

  • Security Classification: Unclassified
  • Distribution Restriction Code: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

How to Use DA FORM 4552

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify Needs: Determine the kitchen supplies needed based on inventory levels and upcoming requirements.
  2. Complete Form: Fill out the form with accurate details, including item descriptions, quantities, and units of issue.
  3. Approval: Obtain the necessary signatures from the approving authority to authorize the requisition.
  4. Submit: Send the completed form through the designated channels for processing and fulfillment.

Best Practices for Filling DA FORM 4552

Accuracy and Completeness

  • Ensure all sections of the form are completed accurately to avoid delays in processing.
  • Double-check quantities and units of issue to match the actual needs and inventory records.

Timely Submission

  • Submit requisitions well in advance to account for processing time and potential delays in supply chains.
  • Regularly review and update requisition lists to reflect current and future needs accurately.

Importance of DA FORM 4552 in Military Operations

The Kitchen Requisition form plays a vital role in maintaining the operational effectiveness of military dining facilities. By ensuring that necessary supplies are available when needed, it supports the health and well-being of military personnel. Proper management of kitchen supplies also contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of military operations.


Understanding and correctly utilizing DA FORM 4552 – Kitchen Requisition is crucial for military personnel involved in logistics and supply chain management. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, users can ensure that their kitchen requisitions are processed smoothly and efficiently, contributing to the seamless operation of dining facilities.

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DA FORM 4552 - Kitchen Requisition