DA FORM 3508 Fillable – Army Pubs 3508 PDF

DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 3508 Fillable – Army Pubs 3508 PDFDA FORM 3508, titled “Application For Remission Or Cancellation Of Indebtedness”, is a critical document used by members of the military to request the remission or cancellation of a debt owed to the U.S. Government. This form is essential for those seeking financial relief under circumstances that qualify within the guidelines set by the U.S. Army. The form was last updated on April 1, 2021, and is currently active, superseding the previous version dated June 1, 2016.

DA FORM 3508 – Application For Remission Or Cancellation Of Indebtedness

Form Number DA Form 3508
Form Title Application For Remission Or Cancellation Of Indebtedness
Form Date 04/01/2021
Form Proponent G-1

What is DA FORM 3508?

DA FORM 3508 serves as a formal request for the remission (forgiveness) or cancellation of a debt. This application is handled by the Army’s G-1 office, which is responsible for the policy and oversight of human resources within the Army. The use of this form is prescribed by AR 600-4, the regulation that details the procedures for remission or cancellation of debts owed by military personnel.

Key Characteristics of DA FORM 3508

  • Pub/Form Number: DA FORM 3508
  • Date: 04/01/2021
  • Proponent: G-1
  • Status: ACTIVE
  • Superseded Form: DA FORM 3508, 06/01/2016
  • Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

How to Use DA FORM 3508

Using DA FORM 3508 involves several steps, from understanding your eligibility to submitting the form to the correct department. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Determine Your Eligibility

Before filling out the form, you must determine if you are eligible for debt remission or cancellation. Eligibility criteria are specified in AR 600-4 and generally include factors like financial hardship, errors in pay, and other extenuating circumstances.

Complete the Form

  1. Personal Information: Fill in your personal details, including name, rank, and service number.
  2. Details of the Indebtedness: Describe the nature and amount of the debt, including how and when it was incurred.
  3. Reason for Application: Clearly state why you are requesting the remission or cancellation of the debt. Include any supporting documentation that can strengthen your case.

Submit the Application

After completing the form, submit it to your unit commander or the designated representative in the finance office. Ensure that all parts of the form are filled out correctly to avoid delays.

Importance of DA FORM 3508 in Military Financial Management

DA FORM 3508 is more than just paperwork; it plays a crucial role in the financial management and well-being of service members. Here are a few reasons why this form is important:

  • Financial Relief: It provides a pathway for service members to seek relief from debts that could otherwise cause significant financial strain.
  • Error Correction: Allows for the correction of administrative errors that lead to incorrect debts.
  • Moral and Ethical Considerations: Supports the principle that service members should not be unduly penalized for debts incurred as a result of circumstances beyond their control.


DA FORM 3508 is a vital tool for service members facing undue financial burdens due to debts owed to the government. By properly utilizing this form, eligible personnel can request the cancellation or remission of their debts, thereby securing financial stability and peace of mind. Remember to consult AR 600-4 for detailed guidance on the application process and to ensure all required documentation is accurately completed.

For further information, service members are encouraged to contact their unit’s financial office or visit the official website of the U.S. Army’s G-1 office. Understanding and using DA FORM 3508 effectively can make a significant difference in managing personal finances in the military.

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DA FORM 3508 - Application For Remission Or Cancellation Of Indebtedness