DAFORMFILLABLE.COM | DA FORM 1222 Fillable – Army Pubs 1222 PDF – In the world of military administration, effective communication and document management are crucial. The DA FORM 1222, also known as the Routing Slip, is an essential tool used within the United States Army to manage and track the internal routing of documents. This article provides a detailed overview of the DA FORM 1222, highlighting its purpose, usage, and key features.
DA FORM 1222 – Routing Slip
Form Number | DA Form 1222 |
Form Title | Routing Slip |
Form Date | 05/1/2013 |
Form Proponent | CIO |
What is DA FORM 1222?
Overview of the Form
DA FORM 1222, titled “Routing Slip”, is a standardized form used by the United States Army. It was last updated on May 1, 2013, and remains an active document, essential for the efficient handling of paperwork within various departments. The form is unclassified and is approved for public release, meaning there are no restrictions on its distribution.
Purpose of the Routing Slip
The primary purpose of the Routing Slip is to accompany documents being circulated within an office or between departments. It ensures that all pertinent individuals review the document, providing their input or approval as necessary. This form helps in tracking the progress and response of the document, ensuring no details are overlooked during the processing.
Key Features of DA FORM 1222
Layout and Content
DA FORM 1222 is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. It includes sections for listing the documents to be routed, the offices or individuals that the documents must be routed to, and space for comments from each reviewer. This setup facilitates clear communication and efficient document tracking.
Accessibility and Distribution
The form is categorized under the Dist Restriction Code A, which indicates it is “Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited.” Therefore, it can be accessed easily by all personnel needing to use it, without any need for special permissions.
How to Use DA FORM 1222
Completing the Form
When filling out the Routing Slip, it is important to include accurate details about the document being routed, such as its title, date, and any other identifying information. Each participant in the routing process must sign or initial the form to acknowledge their review and input.
Tracking Document Progress
The DA FORM 1222 allows for efficient tracking of documents as they move through various hands. By examining the form, one can quickly determine who has already reviewed the document, who still needs to see it, and what comments or decisions have been made.
Guidelines and Directives
Prescribed by AR 25-50
The use and management of DA FORM 1222 are governed by AR 25-50, which provides detailed guidelines on preparing and managing army correspondence. Adherence to these guidelines ensures that all routed documents are handled consistently and professionally.
DA FORM 1222 – Routing Slip plays a vital role in the internal communications of the United States Army, facilitating the efficient and orderly processing of documents. Its structured format and clear guidelines make it an indispensable tool for military personnel. Whether you are initiating, tracking, or reviewing documents, understanding how to effectively use this form can significantly enhance your administrative efficiency.
This article aimed to provide comprehensive information about DA FORM 1222, ensuring that individuals looking to utilize this form can do so effectively, maintaining the high standards of document management required in military operations.
DA FORM 1222 Fillable – Army Pubs 1222 PDF DOWNLOAD